KLESF: The Fair has been designed to maximise the opportunity for school students, parents and teachers to visit the exhibition or participate in any science, technology, engineering & mathematics activities (workshop & hands-on activities) conducted by professionals or experts from your organisation.

Exhibition Package

Booth / bare space:
RM1,500 per 3m X 3m (1 booth / space) 

  1. 3m X 3m (9 sqm)
  2. 3m X 6m (18 sqm)
  3. 3m X 9m (27 sqm)
  4. 6m X 6m (36 sqm)
  5. 9m X 9m (81 sqm)

Shell scheme booth includes:

  1. Fascia with company name & booth number
  2. 1 Information Table 1000mmx500mmx750mm
  3. 2 folding chairs
  4. 2 of 13Amp power points
  5. 1 fluorescent light
  6. 1 waste paper basket
  7. Needle punch carpet within the booth area
Deadline: 15 September 2024
Exhibitor form: Download

3m x 3m Standard Shell Scheme

Additional Information:

  1. All exhibitors are required to submit full payment with their booking.
  2. Cancellations must be in writing. Please refer to the attached “Rules & Regulations” and please note that no exceptions apply to these rules.
  3. Additional equipment can be ordered via exhibition contractor. Upon your booking, your details will be forwarded to the exhibition company and they will contact you directly.