KLESF International Challenge 2021


In the light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world, the KLESF International Challenge 2021 will be implemented via online platforms to enhance school students’ interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

KLESF International Challenge 2021

Schools from Malaysia and overseas with STEM projects are encouraged to participate in the KLESF International Challenge 2021 by demonstrating their projects to the public.

This competition takes the form of video submission. No interview with the judges.

*update on 21 Oct 2021:
The videos were uploaded to
KLESF Challenge YouTube channel

Primary school:  P001 – P030, P051 – P068
Secondary school: S001 – S070, S149 – S165

Kuala Lumpur Engineering Science Fair -KLESF YouTube channel
Primary school:  P031 – P050
Secondary school: S071 – S148

The competition will be held based on the following:

  • Primary school (12 years old or below)
  • Secondary school (13 – 18 years old)
Project Theme

Project that can address the following sustainable development goals

  • Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3)
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11)
Assessment criteria
  • Originality & innovativeness (25%)
  • Project execution (25%)
  • Quality & impact (25%)
  • Project Presentation & Communication (25%)

Competition Rubric

Participation & rules
  • No fees are charged for participation.
  • Team size: maximum 3 students per team. (Only a maximum of 3 persons is presenting in the video)
  • No limit to the number of teams from each school.
  • Participation form is to be submitted by each team.
  • This competition takes the form of video submission.


  • All contents in the video is certified original and belong to the participants.
  • Obtain permission to use any location that is shown in the video.
  • Verify that all team participants who are under 18 years old have permission from parents or legal guardians to take part in the competition.
  • Maintain safe practices.
  • Be respectful of any featured location(s), other people using the site, and wildlife there.
  • To submit an eligible entry for the competition, the participant must provide 3 items as follows:
  1. Complete project information. REGISTRATION FORM
  2. Signed Official Video Release Form. 
  3. Video .

Note: The submission is considered incomplete until the organiser receive the 3 items above.


  • Videos should run from minimum 30 seconds to maximum 5 minutes in duration.
  • Entries must be suitable for display to a general audience with respect to language, visual content, presentation, themes discussed, and related issues.
  • All entries must be completed in English. (Subtitle can be added)
  • While the copyright for the video and its content is retained by the participant(s), entering the competition automatically provides KLESF the right to display the video online and/or in any public or private settings without restriction.

Terms and Conditions:

  • The organiser reserves the right to verify the qualification and prize eligibility of each participant.
  • The organiser reserves the right to disqualify participants, withdraw prizes or select new winners in the event:
  1. The participant or winner becomes non-eligible for any reason;
  2. The video submitted by the participant or winner becomes non-eligible for any reason;
  3. Winners must respond to organiser within 5 working days from receiving email notification for identity verification and prize collection processing. After this period, the organiser will disqualify non-responding winners.

For each category, the following prizes will be available for award based on recommendation of the panel of judges.

  • Gold medal (RM 500, e-certificate)
  • Silver medal (RM 200, e-certificate)
  • Bronze medal (RM 100, e-certificate)
  • Merit (e-Certificate)
  • Most “liked” and “shared” video (KLESF limited edition merchandise, e-Certificate)

    All student participants of the qualifying entries will be awarded an e-Certificate of Participation.

Deadline for submission

30 September 2021 (Thursday) , 11.59pm

Extended to 15 October 2021 (Friday), 11.59PM

Extended to 20 October 2021 (Wednesday), 11.59PM

Winner announcement

31 October 2021 (e-KLESF 2021 prize giving ceremony)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 843 3523 4105
Passcode: 170498

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KLESF


KLESF Secretariat – Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

  • Tel: +603-90860288   Extension: 847 / 119 / 118 (Currently they are working from home, please contact via email.)
  • WhatsApp: +6011-1888 9397
  • Email: info@klesf.net
  • To view the video of the student projects for KLESF International Challenge 2020:

 KLESF Challenge Youtube Channel

  • To view the winners for KLESF International Challenge 2020:

e-Award Ceremony 2020


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

KLESF International Challenge 2021 is a competition for school students from Malaysia and overseas to demonstrate their projects to the public.

If there is no prototype, it will be better if there is a demonstration for key components that make the idea work.

The age limit is 18 years old to compete in the competition.

There are 2 categories
(1) Primary school (12 years old or below)
(2) Secondary school (13 – 18 years old)

This competition takes the form of video submission. The participants must submit a video from minimum 30 seconds to maximum 5 minutes in duration.

Yes. When you register the competition, you have to select the number of participants.

Participation could be sole, in pairs or a team of maximum 3 members.

A maximum of three (3) members are allowed per team. Only a maximum of 3 persons is presenting in the video.

Yes can. Please take note that the team members must be in the same age range as we have 2 categories:

  • Primary school (12 years old or below)
  • Secondary school (13 – 18 years old)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

Read more about SDGs.

Read more about the Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021.

At least two judges will evaluate each project.

Projects are judged with projects from the same category.

Judges use the Competition rubric posted on our website.

Judges will not interview the participants.