Date: 12 – 20 December 2020 (9 days)
Platform: Zoom & Facebook live

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 954 5439 9171
Passcode: 774648


In view of the current Covid-19 situation, e-KLESF 2020 will be held and implemented via online platforms.

Virtual Opening Ceremony

You are cordially invited to attend the Virtual Opening Ceremony of e-KLESF and Webinar: Where is Our Future Habitat?


Date: 12 December 2020 (Saturday)
Time: 9.00am (MYT)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 954 5439 9171
Passcode: 774648


Join us and be one of the KLESF limited edition merchandise winners

How to win?

Follow these 3 very simple steps for you to get your hands on the KLESF limited edition merchandise.

To enter:

1. Like our page @Kuala Lumpur Engineering Science Fair – KLESF https://www.facebook.com/KLESF

2. Like and share the OC Facebook live video

3. Comment “ Embrace STEM #eklesf ”

5 lucky winners will be chosen! You might be one of them! Good luck!

Event Schedule (Tentative):


Date Time Activity
12 December 2020 (Saturday)

9am – 10am Virtual Opening Ceremony 
10am – 11am Webinar: Where is our future habitat?
1pm – 2pm

Webinar: Science Communication and Innovation  

Ways to reduce inequality

13 December 2020 (Sunday) 10am – 11am Workshop: HEART: Anatomy × Art Virtual Workshop
11.30am – 12.30pm

AAET Distinguished Lecture : Point-of-Care Technologies for the Rapid Diagnosis of COVID-19

3pm – 4pm

Virtual SoSE

Impak Kaedah Pembelajaran Teradun Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (STech_Nova) Dalam Meningkatkan Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi Pelajar

14 December 2020 (Monday) 10am – 11am Webinar: Immersive technology for heritage and culture preservation
11.30am – 12.30pm

Virtual SoSE

Pembangunan & Penyelidikan (R&D) Produk Inovasi Strofloor dalam Pembinaan Taman Sains yang mengunakan STEM dan Teknologi Hijau (TH) di SMK Saujana Utama (SUTAMA)

1pm – 2pm

Virtual SoSE

Amalan Terbaik PdPR Menyantuni Pembelajaran Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

3pm – 4pm

Virtual SoSE

Green Box

15 December 2020 (Tuesday) 10am – 12pm Workshop: Python and Pandas for Beginners
1pm – 2pm ATSE Webinar: Remote Learning STEM Resources for Teachers
3pm – 4pm

Virtual SoSE

Perkongsian Inovasi STEM : Food For Thought vs Food-Save-Thank

16 December 2020 (Wednesday)

10am – 11am Webinar: How to make your own cheese
11.30am – 12.30pm Workshop: Composting Food Waste into Fertilizer for Home Gardening 
1pm – 2pm

Virtual SoSE

Initiatives During Pandemic: A Sharing Ssesion

2.30pm – 3.30pm

Webinar: Science Communication and Innovation

Low-Cost Sugarcane Bagasse Waste to Improve Soil Moisture Retention in Agriculture

3.30pm – 4.30pm

Webinar: Science Communication and Innovation

Psyllium Husk as A Plant-Based Stabilizer to Produce High Fibre Low Syneresis Yogurt

17 December 2020 (Thursday) 10am – 11am Workshop: Creating Professional Brochures Using Microsoft Publisher in a Few Clicks
11.30am – 12.30pm Workshop: Interactive Exposure to Spreadsheet Applications Through Microsoft Excel
1pm – 2pm

Virtual SoSE

Colorful Paper, Scissors and Glue in Maths

3pm – 4pm

Virtual SoSE

Sharing Session: STEM Innovation in School

18 December 2020 (Friday) 9.30am – 10.30am

Webinar: Science Communication and Innovation

A better tomorrow starts with you

11am – 12.30pm Physic Quiz competition: The Master of Physics
1pm – 2pm ATSE Webinar: STEM Career Role Models for Young Women
3pm – 4pm

Virtual SoSE


19 December 2020 (Saturday) 9.30am – 10.30am

Webinar: Science Communication and Innovation

Hydrostat, a revolutionary microplastic-capturing device – from an idea to the world stage and beyond

11am – 12.30pm Limit Breakers Maths Quiz (Preliminary round)
1pm – 2pm

Virtual SoSE

Perkongsian Inovasi STEM : Bangunan tahan gempa

3pm – 4.30pm Limit Breakers Maths Quiz (Final round)
20 December 2020 (Sunday) 10am – 12pm

Announcement of winners:

– KLESF International Challenge 2020 

– 3-minute video (3MV) Competition on “Innovative Young Educator”

– Data Visualization Competition 

& Closing remark

Permission Letter from Ministry of Education Malaysia



Letter from Jabatan Pendidikan